Succession Planning and Estate Administration can be an overwhelming process to undertake. Whether it is planning to divest oneself of assets, or to transfer a business to the next generation or planning for administration of your estate during times of disability or after death, it is important to have a plan. We will be covering options for planning including, Will planning, Trust planning, joint ownership and beneficiary planning. We will also look at what Probate is how the Probate process works, how and when to avoid Probate and what estate administration looks like outside of Probate. We will also spend a little time looking at how to protect assets from the cost of long term care (nursing home care). A lot of information will be provide in a short time, so be ready to take notes and ask a few questions. If you want more specific information about how the information affects you personally, you will have opportunity to book a time to go over the specifics of your situation.
If there is a level 2 snow emergency for Lucas county we will cancel our scheduled meeting. Level 1 please travel at your own discretion.