Legislative News
Toledo Municipal Housing Court - New Court Rules
Effective as of October 1, 2020.
You can find the full list of Rules HERE. The following are important highlights.
First, from now on whenever an eviction is filed in the municipal court the Plaintiff/Landlord is now required to file as an attachment to the eviction providing proof from the Lucas County Auditor that the Landlord has registered the property pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 5323.99.
That rental registration form can be found HERE
Currently this information is not available publicly from the auditor, and the Court has stated at least for the short term that they will not aggressively be enforcing this provision.
Second, you must now attach to the complaint proof of the current ownership of the property.
Third, Plaintiff’s must now certify that they have no pending nuisance cases in the housing court. This certification language can be found in paragraph (E)(2)(a).
Additionally, the court is requesting that if the Plaintiff is an individual that they include their date of birth.
If filing as an LLC the want you to include any business aliases.
This information is so they can check and see if you have a pending nuisance.
A relevant new rule as to the purchasing of writs is in paragraph (L)(3). In the past you could purchase a writ up to three months after your judgment. Now if you purchase a writ more than one month after your judgment you must file a motion to request permission to purchase the writ. This can be done anytime up to one year from the judgment date.
Finally, the tenant can now ask that the eviction record be sealed. This can only happen if the 1st cause action for possession was dismissed. To do so however the tenant must file a motion. If the plaintiff/landlord received a judgment to remove the tenant, five years must have passed from the judgment date and the second cause judgment must be paid in full