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OREIA Bi-Weekly Market & Legislative Update

Ohio Representative Derek Merrin

We’re grateful to have State Representative Derek Merrin as our guest on the upcoming OREIA Market Update.

Derek is a strong voice for small business growth and protection here in Ohio. Our conversation this Monday will focus mainly on what Representative Merrin hopes to accomplish for small businesses during this term.

As a real estate investor himself, Derek understands what we are dealing with on a national and local level. We need legislators that truly get what it means to be a housing provider, and we are proud to call Representative Merrin a friend and ally. Let’s pack the web broadcast this Monday and show Rep. Merrin our support and gratitude for his work!

And don’t let that youthful façade fool you. Representative Merrin has the right private and public-sector experience needed to understand what is working and what needs changed.

He has a proven record. As the former Mayor of Waterville, he fought against tax increases and implemented many cost-saving measures. The State Auditor tapped Derek to conduct performance audits for financially strapped local governments.

As State Representative, Derek has authored legislation to lower taxes, cut government spending, and provide more transparency. He has been a strong advocate for reforming school funding, combating the opioid epidemic, and defending rights of crime victims.

He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Toledo and a Master’s in Public Administration degree from Bowling Green State University. Derek is a real estate investor and has lived in the Anthony Wayne Community for nearly 20 years.

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The Ohio Real Estate Investors Association is keeping its members up to date with important Legislative and Market information during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Tune in every other Monday to hear from special guest speakers. Past broadcasts have included Ohio Senators, directors of related organizations, and legal experts. Stay up to date with what is happening in Ohio (and sometimes nationally) as the pandemic continues to have a large impact on our economy and our industry.

Earlier Event: January 20
Breakfast & Brainstorming!